Wednesday, June 10, 2015

On to First Grade They Go....

Yesterday, I walked my Kindergarten students to the busses one last time. :( It was a bittersweet day, as it has been a whirlwind of a school year. My school plays an end of the year slideshow with everyone in the school pictured, which was very cool to see and my students loved when there was someone they knew on the big screen! We also ate lunch outside together, which was very cool to have that first and only meal I ate with them be the last one (as I was recess duty instead of lunch!) Then we came back in, cleared out our writing folders and I have to share some of the comments:

"Miss Lamski! Look at how I used to write and look at my book I wrote the other day! I am so big!"
"Woah! I draw much better pictures now."
"I spelled the wrong in all these books! What was I thinking?!"
"Maybe I should be a writer when I grow up. I like my stories. They are funny."

These were just some of the comments that my children were saying as they were reminiscing and looking at their writing from November-June. They are correct, their writing has improved tremendously since November and I have some very comical writers in my class. I will be curious to see how their writing progresses over the years - some were very serious, others made me laugh out loud when we would read them together. Some students spent much more time on their pictures than their writing and it was interesting to see the changes over the year.

After we cleared out our writing folders and chose one book for Miss Lamski to keep as an example to the incoming Kindergarten students, I had a surprise for them! (Not another ice cream shoppe like we did the day prior, even better!) I made autograph books for the kids to have each other sign. The only rule was you had to sign everyone's and let everyone sign yours. Some students just wrote their name, others drew a small picture next to their name, and a few students wrote sentences in their friends' books about the fun days they had or that they would miss each other. This was one of my teary-eyed moments, as I watched my classroom grow in front of my eyes. This school year was very difficult for them, having three teachers and they lacked a sense of community until just recently in May. As I watched them go around and ask other's for their autographs and write in other's books, I just had tears in my eyes. They have come such a long way! I wish we had more time together so they didn't have to be separated from their friends right after making them. The best though, was when a student came and asked me where my book was. I hadn't even thought to make myself one. I quickly grabbed one of the extras I had made, signed my name on the front and all 24 of my students took pride in signing their name (in their best writing) in my autograph book, as I wrote special notes to each of them in theirs. This was one of my favorite parts of yesterday, a memory I will definitely keep forever. I also plan on doing an autograph book each year, as it doesn't cost anything and is such a treasure to have. 

As we finished our autographs, the Snow Cone truck was here. We walked outside and ate our snowcones before I dropped the students off at Art one last time. When they came back, I passed out their life skills awards (I chose one particular thing or life skill each student was good at and designed some awards individually.) I also took this opportunity to provide them with a Summer Work Packet, my letter to the students, a new pencil, eraser, 8 pack of crayons, report card, standardized testing scores, and a photo op with me! :) The students definitely enjoyed this part and after the first few students received an award, they would try to guess who the award would go to after I said the theme of the award. Most of the time, the students guessed correctly! 

When the awards ended and everything was off my table, that is when the tears started streaming down my face. I took this opportunity to read my letter to my students, in case they were unable to read it with their parents after school. Out of the 24 students I had, eight of them were crying. I had tears of joy in my eyes, and my one student who rarely shows emotion and has the "i don't care about anything" attitude, just walked right up to me and hugged me so tight. At that particular moment in Kindergarten, everything that we had been through as a class and as individuals, was worth every second and every difficult day. We had a group hug and then walked to the busses one last time. It was the perfect day in Kindergarten, and as I placed my students on their respective bus, they looked older, more mature, and like the first grader they had become. 


Sunday, May 31, 2015

May Currently...

I am linking up with Farley to do my first currently! 

Listening: Once a month on Sundays, Anthony watches the Wrestling PPV. Tonight is the day. I am listening to the announcers share how John Cena is beating Kevin Owens in the ring. I am not a huge diehard fan of wrestling such as Anthony, but over the last six years, I have begun to form a love/hate relationship with WWE. 

Loving: Other than Anthony and the fact that we are planning a vacation to Disney this summer, I am loving all the new ideas I am finding on the teaching blogs I just began to follow. Blogging is something I have wanted to do for a while now, but I was unsure of how to start and what to do after I started. I just decided to take a risk and start slow, but with all these new ideas I will keep busy this summer upgrading my centers, my classroom decor, and my blog!

Thinking: It is Sunday evening. I have seven more days of school left and I know what I would like to teach, but I have yet to complete my lesson plans for this week. I better get started on those seeing as it is already close to my bedtime!

Wanting: Anthony made this delicious dinner; baked chicken legs with mashed potatoes and some corn. I am craving something sweet! We have ice cream in the freezer, but I think I would prefer some type of cupcake or cookies...hmmm...

Needing: After the unique first year I have had teaching Kindergarten, I am beginning to tun out of energy (and the students are definitely ready for summer break!) I am needing summer break to get here, so I can prepare for next year, upgrade my classroom, enhance my centers, and take my much needed vacation to California with the boy!

Summer Yes, Hope, Dream: Yes to California! Anthony's aunt lives in Laguna Beach, CA and has asked us to visit for many years now. Anthony usually goes and has a great time...but this year I will join him! Woohoo! We have some fun things planned; Disneyland and California Adventure are the two days I am most looking forward to! Sitting and relaxing on the beach, watching the fireworks show from the beach, and going to the Sawdust Art Festival - I am so excited!
I had to take some time away from my photography due to my injuries last summer and then starting a new teaching job in the middle of the year just didn't provide me with the time I needed to focus on my photography. I am hoping that I can schedule some sessions in the midst of all the things we have planned for this summer. 
My dream this summer (and I say this is a dream because I always plan way too much and do not leave time to do the simple things...) is to become more organized in all aspects of my life. My classroom never had the opportunity to get a deep clean and total organization since I began in November and did not have time unless it was a holiday break to organize and plan. My photography and scrapbooking shelves need some love and attention, since I always complete tasks in a hurry and do not take the time to put them away. And lastly, our storage shed and closet we have need some serious de-crapifying. :) While all that is nice to achieve this summer, with me teaching summer school for 3 weeks, then going on vacation for a week, and then spending a week with my little brothers, realistically I will not get it all done, but a girl can dream, right? ;)

Seven More Days...

Wow! That is so hard to believe that there is only seven more days of Kindergarten left! What an interesting and unique school year this has been for me and my Kinders. As I am concluding this school year and working on each students individual personality awards, I ran across this letter from which so perfectly describes how I am feeling as this school year is ending. (Thank you for sharing!)

Although it was slightly different for my students, since I became their teacher in November, I watched the grow from five year olds who struggled following directions and being part of a class to 24 smart almost first graders who made friends, became some of the best listeners and story-tellers, and just brought a smile to my face daily, no matter what difficulties we may have faced. 

With only have seven days left, I am looking forward to enjoying my time with them, adding 7 more days of Kindergarten memories for them to write into their memory books and treasure for the years to come. Here is to seven more days....

Monday, April 27, 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello! I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I have gained such inspiration (and ideas!) from other bloggers that I am going to give this a whirl! For those of you who do not know me personally, I am a first year Kindergarten teacher! I had the pleasure of starting in the middle of November, as my class' former teacher retired early and then the other substitutes they had were just not a match for this particular class. I took over a very unique class who has been through many different teachers this school year. It has been a fun challenge!

Those 24 students are definitely energetic, funny, and very kind- hearted kiddos! Some days are more challenging than others, as the students did not have a routine or rules for their first four months of school, but we are learning and enjoying our new classroom layout and procedures! 

I will use this blog as a means of communicating with other educators, offering some ideas that I have (or sharing what we are doing in the class), and to keep parents informed of our classroom happenings. 

Thanks for joining me on this journey.... xoKindrTeachr